I stand with the LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, brown, and other too-often overlooked communities
in speaking up to forces that seek to deny, discriminate and desecrate. It is reprehensible that any population must endure an unequal weight of life’s burdens and no one should have to fight for equity and inclusion on their own.
I was not at the Craft Brewers Conference in Nashville last week and bear no first-hand witness to the layers of hurts and fears that some attendees endured, whether at the conference or simply by virtue of traveling to a state whose elected officials act with hubristic disregard for humanity and reckless endangerment of emotional and physical safety. That said, I recognize the feelings of fatigue, frustration and rage and acknowledge the ceaseless struggles for progress.
To those readers who don’t understand, accept or appreciate the critical importance of solidarity and action to achieve greater equity for all – NOW – I implore you to consider:
You don’t know what you don’t know.
Let me say that again. You don’t know what you don’t know.
Horrible things happen … every day … even if they don’t happen to you.
Shut down your own defenses and LISTEN to the stories and pleas of people from backgrounds other than your own. They’re real.
If you think there isn’t a serious problem or that protests for justice are going to fade away, you’re on the wrong side of history. I promise you this.
There is ALWAYS opportunity to grow. I know you’re busy and probably overwhelmed. I know compassion or activism fatigue can settle in, and I know personally that it’s easier to give in to helplessness, hopelessness and defeat when the bad guys are winning.
Yet I ask straight, white, gender-conforming, able readers – especially those of you with influence – to DO MORE to get the beer and broader world to do better and be better. I haven’t done nearly enough. Yet .
Along with some other endeavors, I am in the process of re-launching the Transcending Trauma Program to offer low-cost transcendental meditation training as a form of healing and hope to hospitality workers harmed by experiences on or adjacent to the job. I am finding great strength and recovery through this initiative, and I hope others can also use it as a resource at a time where it is, unfortunately, still very necessary.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to those of you who are doing the work; and to those of you who are suffering, there are many more people who support you than don’t, even if we don’t always show it effectively.
We can do better. I know I will.
If you’d like to donate to the Transgender Law Center, a major organization fighting anti-trans laws, please do so here.
If you would like to know more about the Transcending Trauma Program, please visit the website.
If you have legitimate questions about what I’m saying, please contact me and I’ll do my best to answer within my range of knowledge and provide trustworthy resources. Here are a few places to start: 1. IG: beer.diversity 2. IG: BeerIsForEveryone
7. Lean In 8. Fifth Ingredient